Petition to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Tell USDA: Stop Excluding 98 Percent of Animals from the Humane Slaughter Act!

Animals in Tiruvallur, TN, IN
404 view

Did you know that the United States Department of Agriculture has decided that the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act doesn’t apply to poultry, who make up 98 percent of all land animals slaughtered for food?

As a result, nearly 9 billion animals each year are killed in the most horrific and brutal ways.

Please take 20 seconds to speak out against this unconscionable animal abuse by signing Mercy For Animals’ petition calling on the USDA to start protecting chickens, turkeys, and all other poultry under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act.

Investigations by Mercy For Animals, including shocking hidden-camera exposés of slaughterhouses owned by Tyson and Foster Farms, have repeatedly documented birds violently shackled upside down, painfully shocked with electricity, cut open, and sometimes even scalded alive in hot water tanks.

These abuses must end! But we need your help.

Mercy For Animals has filed a historic petition urging the USDA to start including poultry under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act.

The USDA needs to hear from as many Americans as possible that we want meaningful regulations that end the cruelest slaughter practices.  

Please sign our petition calling on the USDA to include protections for poultry under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. Once you’ve signed, please share this petition on social media!

December 6, 2017
Letter to
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Tell USDA: Stop Excluding 98 Percent of Animals from the Humane Slaughter Act!


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Started this petition 7 years ago

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Tell USDA: Stop Excluding 98 Percent of Animals from the Humane Slaughter Act!

Tell USDA: Stop Excluding 98 Percent of Animals from the Humane Slaughter Act!

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